module "vpc-subnets" { source = "../../modules/networking/vpc_subnets" application = var.application aws-region = customer-name = var.customer-name default-tags = local.default-tags environment = var.environment project = var.project vpc-cidr = var.vpc-cidr number-of-private-subnets-per-az = var.number-of-private-subnets-per-az number-of-public-subnets-per-az = var.number-of-public-subnets-per-az create-nat-gateway = false enable-flow-log = true vpcflowlog-retain-days = 90 vpcflowlog-cwl-loggroup-key-arn = "" create-free-vpc-endpoints = false } # S3 flow log needs to be created separately. it's not supported by vpc_subnets module resource "aws_flow_log" "vpc-log-s3" { log_destination = var.vpc-flowlog-bucket-arn log_destination_type = "s3" traffic_type = "ALL" vpc_id = module.vpc-subnets.vpc_id } /* After adc is deployed by terraform, the following tasks need to be performed manually. They cannot be managed by terraform 1. Edit security group created for adconnector. SG name is d-???_controllers 2. Enable client LDAPS communication 3. Setup maintenance notification through SNS 4. Enable SSO application. Setting enable_sso in member account results in error. alias is deliberately not set */ module "adconnector" { source = "../../modules/security_identity_compliance/ds-adconnector" adc-dns-ips = var.adc-dns-ips adc-domainname = var.adc-domainname adc-service-account-password = var.adc-service-account-password adc-service-account-username = var.adc-service-account-username adc-size = var.adc-size adc-subnet-ids = module.vpc-subnets.private-subnet-ids adc-vpc-id = module.vpc-subnets.vpc_id default-tags = local.default-tags }