# ec2 module This module deploys EC2 instance. # Input Below is a sample config in the root module, which shows all of the inputs ``` module "deployer-ec2" { source = "../../../../whk1-bea-sys-ss-dev-codecommit-sharedmodules/Compute/ec2" ami-id = data.aws_ami.al2-ami.id asso-eip = false asso-public-ip = false default-tags = local.default_tags ebs-encrypted = true instance-name = "whk1-bea-sys-ss-${var.environment}-test" instance-type = "t3.micro" key-name = aws_key_pair.deployer-sshkey.key_name kms-key-id = var.kms-key-arn root-volume-size = "15" security-groups = [aws_security_group.deployer-sg.id] subnet-id = var.subnet-id instance-profile = "example-instanec-profile" additional_tags = { "AwsBackup" : "Daily14" "ssm-patching" : "group1" } data-volumes = { volume1 = { size : "10" type : "gp3" } } } ``` # Outputs | Name | Value | | - | - | | instance-id | Instance ID | | private-ip | Private IP of instance | # Limitation Up to 26 data volumes can be attached to the ec2 instance. To attach even more volumes, please do it in your root module